The meeting and marriage of Alexander Shillington Henderson and Almira Heath Silcock, from "Come After Us" by Melvin Banner.
Note: Alexander & Almira's 6th child was Nicholas Thomas Henderson, whose son was Jay Harold Henderson. So Alexander & Almira are my Great Great Grandparents.
"In 1874 a young gentleman, Alex (Alexander) Shillington Henderson, contracting work to dig the South Jordan canal came to Nicholas Silcock's farm to purchase hay for his teams. He was thirty years old and had been married, but his wife and only child had died. Henry Silcock said he was "flabbergasted at the large amount of money in this stranger's pocket." To Nicholas, it was just and ordinary visit from another customer and he was grateful for the cash. For sixteen year-old Almira, however, the visit from the man was electrifying. Alex was no stranger to her! She had seen him in 'a dream where it was shown to her the man she was to marry.' She told no one but 'was on the look-out from him' on his return trip. She made sure Alex had the opportunity to meet her. He fell in love with this tall, lovely young woman with 'black curly hair and flashing brown eyes.' They were married March 30, 1874, in the Endowment House. 'Alex purchased a tract of land on the bench adjoining the Silcock property and built Almira a home."